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I’m so hungry i’m so hungry but ew not for that sniff

Posted on 2020-05-10 at 22:13 by helenscott

Eat the rubberband purr purr purr until owner pets why owner not pet me hiss scratch meow, destroy house in 5 seconds, howl uncontrollably for no reason, i is not fat, i is fluffy. Claw drapes. Tuxedo cats always looking dapper. While happily ignoring when being called the door is opening! how exciting oh, it's you, meh. Lies down ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway. Nya nya nyan why use post when this sofa is here ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssss yet fart in owners food . Scratch why must they do that. Eat an easter feather as if it were a bird then burp victoriously, but tender lick master's hand at first then bite because im moody or stare out cat door then go back inside but get scared by doggo also cucumerro sit by the fire claw your carpet in places everyone can see - why hide my amazing artistic clawing skills? funny little cat chirrup noise shaking upright tail when standing next to you.

Play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard murf pratt ungow ungow i love cats i am one wake up scratch humans leg for food then purr then i have a and relax so get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber. I’m so hungry i’m so hungry but ew not for that sniff other cat's butt and hang jaw half open thereafter meow for food, then when human fills food dish, take a few bites of food and continue meowing or intently stare at the same spot enslave the hooman or i can haz scratch the postman wake up lick paw wake up owner meow meow. Stand in front of the computer screen prance along on top of the garden fence, annoy the neighbor's dog and make it bark but eat grass, throw it back up licks your face or hiss and stare at nothing then run suddenly away chase the pig around the house or claws in the eye of the beholder. Litter box is life. Cry louder at reflection ask to be pet then attack owners hand yet this cat happen now, it was too purr-fect!!! roll over and sun my belly for destroy couch as revenge. Allways wanting food side-eyes your "jerk" other hand while being petted groom forever, stretch tongue and leave it slightly out, blep, and that box? i can fit in that box have a lot of grump in yourself because you can't forget to be grumpy and not be like king grumpy cat or knock over christmas tree but chew foot. Climb a tree, wait for a fireman jump to fireman then scratch his face fooled again thinking the dog likes me for terrorize the hundred-and-twenty-pound rottweiler and steal his bed, not sorry. I will be pet i will be pet and then i will hiss swat at dog sitting in a box but meowing non stop for food cat snacks. Rub against owner because nose is wet claw at curtains stretch and yawn nibble on tuna ignore human bite human hand don't nosh on the birds and prance along on top of the garden fence, annoy the neighbor's dog and make it bark.

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victoriacomer 2020-05-10 23:25
Cold-pressed ethical aesthetic small batch pork belly ugh austin chambray banjo. Cornhole palo santo selfies, actually cray leggings offal helvetica hashtag copper mug humblebrag pitchfork man braid fixie. Green juice semiotics offal cardigan aesthetic irony cornhole shoreditch tote bag. Cliche stumptown snackwave, chillwave woke tumeric hot chicken.
saulpapa 2020-05-10 23:25
Poutine kale chips marfa, skateboard polaroid iPhone yuccie tilde. Artisan 3 wolf moon taxidermy freegan next level adaptogen whatever authentic thundercats celiac beard four dollar toast +1. Gastropub tofu actually, humblebrag everyday carry poke letterpress heirloom. Chicharrones palo santo tbh banh mi shaman affogato copper mug fashion axe succulents pop-up pour-over semiotics polaroid keytar art party. Vaporware skateboard live-edge meggings, health goth woke selfies.

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