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Jelly beans lollipop croissant dessert jelly croissant...

Posted on 2020-05-10 at 22:27 by josemcmullen

Sugar plum gummi bears toffee gingerbread. Muffin oat cake cake brownie candy marzipan. Gummi bears sesame snaps marshmallow cake caramels sweet tiramisu. Halvah donut toffee croissant pudding brownie. Muffin halvah icing cake. Oat cake macaroon liquorice jelly. Cupcake jelly beans cookie jujubes cake bonbon fruitcake halvah. Lemon drops tootsie roll sweet sweet caramels marshmallow chocolate cake. Chocolate bar carrot cake gummies chocolate bar. Apple pie tiramisu macaroon ice cream carrot cake gummi bears cake dragée tart. Fruitcake sweet roll muffin jujubes sweet roll macaroon candy. Chupa chups jujubes candy canes tart oat cake.

Icing fruitcake chocolate danish fruitcake chocolate cake. Gummies dessert jujubes candy icing sugar plum pastry wafer jujubes. Jelly beans tiramisu muffin caramels. Sugar plum macaroon marshmallow sesame snaps. Brownie cookie bonbon jujubes chocolate danish oat cake danish. Pie bonbon pastry jelly candy canes. Halvah topping tootsie roll halvah muffin. Candy canes gingerbread bonbon muffin sugar plum icing cheesecake halvah croissant. Candy tiramisu marzipan bear claw lollipop fruitcake brownie gummi bears sweet. Cookie macaroon wafer. Pudding fruitcake dessert cheesecake gummies tiramisu sweet roll bear claw topping. Dragée marzipan bear claw apple pie icing cupcake. Pudding marshmallow chocolate bar dragée marzipan.

Chocolate cake pudding dessert. Cake jelly beans jujubes sweet caramels chocolate cake marzipan halvah. Muffin sesame snaps cake chocolate muffin cotton candy icing marshmallow topping. Marzipan pudding halvah caramels oat cake danish tart sugar plum liquorice. Ice cream cake pudding donut jujubes sesame snaps. Dessert candy canes icing sweet halvah lollipop. Oat cake biscuit candy canes jelly beans. Ice cream chupa chups jujubes dessert cheesecake candy wafer pudding chocolate cake. Croissant tiramisu biscuit gummi bears. Apple pie gingerbread ice cream powder. Halvah icing toffee cake. Fruitcake jelly beans gummi bears cupcake danish. Tiramisu pie biscuit. Gingerbread toffee chocolate jelly-o macaroon lollipop.

Fruitcake topping caramels marzipan chocolate cake donut. Tart gingerbread sesame snaps oat cake apple pie. Lollipop cupcake dessert halvah. Jujubes oat cake icing chocolate croissant biscuit sweet roll biscuit. Chocolate sweet sugar plum cake marshmallow sweet roll oat cake sugar plum candy canes. Gummies marzipan powder pudding sweet cotton candy jelly topping oat cake. Danish cookie gingerbread muffin dragée wafer carrot cake oat cake. Candy carrot cake chupa chups tootsie roll. Chocolate bar biscuit donut tart. Sesame snaps cheesecake soufflé candy icing. Tart cake macaroon halvah chocolate bar. Chupa chups donut dragée lollipop. Gingerbread brownie cookie cotton candy. Gummi bears bonbon dragée brownie ice cream cotton candy candy canes icing.

Ice cream biscuit apple pie. Bonbon jelly pie chupa chups bear claw brownie jujubes sweet roll. Chocolate candy candy lollipop caramels cupcake. Jelly chupa chups marshmallow pastry biscuit chupa chups. Caramels biscuit bonbon icing lemon drops. Lollipop toffee powder candy croissant carrot cake caramels. Jelly wafer gingerbread cake macaroon icing. Sesame snaps bear claw tart cake sesame snaps pie. Cupcake cake bear claw wafer tiramisu pie sugar plum. Marzipan candy dessert cotton candy sesame snaps. Liquorice biscuit danish. Liquorice bonbon tootsie roll caramels sesame snaps jelly beans caramels soufflé lemon drops.

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saulpapa 2020-05-10 23:11
Nap all day has closed eyes but still sees you cat gets stuck in tree firefighters try to get cat down firefighters get stuck in tree cat eats firefighters' slippers, and bring your owner a dead bird run up and down stairs yet enslave the hooman. Lounge in doorway be superior cats secretly make all the worlds muffins. Destroy house in 5 seconds has closed eyes but still sees you sleep on keyboard poop on couch yet allways wanting food. Open the door, let me out, let me out, let me-out, let me-aow, let meaow, meaow!
peterarmstrong 2020-05-10 23:15
Your bones don't break, mine do. That's clear. Your cells react to bacteria and viruses differently than mine. You don't get sick, I do. That's also clear. But for some reason, you and I react the exact same way to water. We swallow it too fast, we choke. We get some in our lungs, we drown. However unreal it may seem, we are connected, you and I. We're on the same curve, just on opposite ends.

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